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Nerve streaming

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In the bottom of his heart each prayed that they might come safely through just this night, for they knew that during the morrow they would make the final stretch, yet the nerves of each were taut with strained anticipation of what gruesome thing might flap down upon them from the black sky, marking another for its own.

Anne, judging from her own temperament, would have deemed such a domestic hurricane a bad restorative of the nerves. which Louisa's illness must have so greatly shaken.

The muscles are there, about the ears and beneath the scalp, and so are the nerves which transmit sensations to the brain, but they are under-developed because they are not needed.

To Jane the strange apparition of this god-like man was as wine to sick nerves .

With the light he found it easier to regain control of his nerves. and presently he was again making his way along the tunnel in search of an avenue of escape.

Their long arms, their short and crooked legs, their close-set, evil eyes, and their low, receding foreheads gave them a bestial appearance that sent a qualm of paralyzing fright through the shaken nerves of the Belgian.

She strained her ears until her nerves were on the point of breaking; but she could not tell from whence the sound came.

Again and again she would start and turn to peer into the blackness beyond the trees behind her as her overwrought nerves conjured the stealthy fall of padded feet.

You appear to be so well acquainted with the favorable opinion which Miss Alicia and I entertain of each other, that I hope it will be no fresh shock to your nerves. if I inform you, in plain words, that I have come to Crickgelly to marry her.

She snatched the bottle out of my hands--drank off another dram, shook her head at me, and ejaculated lamentably: "My nerves. my nerves

Nor could it guess the toughness of the fiber of the flesh, the instantaneousness of the cell explosions of the muscles, the fineness of the nerves that wired every part of him into a spendid fighting mechanism.

All his silly suggestions and melodramatic ideas have given me a fit of nerves .

In the wretched state of my nerves. movement of any kind is exquisitely painful to me.

In the wretched state of my nerves. loud sound of any kind is indescribable torture to me.

SPARSIT'S nerves being slow to recover their tone, the worthy woman made a stay of some weeks in duration at Mr.