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How to Be Cool

Have you always wanted to be the cool guy, who always seems to do the right thing? Or are you learning to be the cool girl, who flows through life with ease and grace? If you think about all the people who you think of as cool, you'll find that they have several characteristics in common: they're all confident. unique. and generally on friendly terms with everyone; there's no reason you can't be like that yourself. There is really no true universal definition on how to be cool, but here are some guidelines to get you started.

Steps Edit

Method One of Three:
Being Cool Edit

Don’t just think about it — do it. It’s all very well to read books and blogs about self-improvement, but you have to actually get out there and apply the theories that resonate with you. Do it! It’s scary but so, so invigorating. Who knows that who you’ll meet and what they might be able to offer you? (Fun, intellectual stimulation, a pony ride, a job…)
  • Be a person of action, not a person of ideas.
  • Of course, thinking things through before jumping the gun is a great trait. But thinking things through and then not doing anything won't get you anywhere.
Don't be needy. Remember people are not needy or desperate. Instead, try to solve problems yourself whenever you can. If you are not needy, people will want to help you or will ask for your help. This quality attracts people. Neediness is a big turn off unless you're really in a tight spot. This doesn't mean you should act invincible; just don't beg people for help, act like you can't be alone, or expect others to fix your problems.
  • Friendships are great, but don't act like you'll die if you have to spend a Friday night alone. Getting some alone time is great, too.
  • If someone hasn't called you back, lay off. There's no need to follow up with annoying text messages. Give people their space and they'll respect you a lot more.
Be yourself. It will be something that other people will look up to. You are unique, and you don't need to join a clique. Make your own friendships. Being cool is being yourself in an outgoing way, even if you are quiet but not sullen and passive aggressive. Don't try to be like anyone else by copying someone else's moves or act, although trying out those acts is fine but if you do that on a regular basis, its going to come out as fake because its not a part of your personality and you are trying to be something you are not. Live life for who you are. Don't lose sight of yourself or your morals. Being cool isn't about changing who you are, its about being confident enough to let people see how awesome you really are.
  • If you don't let people see the real you, then what's the point? Being able to be yourself and to have people appreciate you is the coolest thing of all.
  • Own your personality. Your bad habits, your good things, your looks, your voice; anything which belongs to you. Own it and don't apologize for what you belong to you to anyone even if it is bad or you don't like it about your self. Remember we are all humans and we try accept each other despite all the flaws and qualities we have, why not accept yourself as you are the most important person to you in the world.
  • Write a list of all the goals you are aiming for. What essentially makes you cool is your identity. Try to find your talent - sports, music, art, whatever. People will notice your passion and respect you for it. You can also learn new skills and meet new people by trying new things.
Practice self-disclosure. The more you disclose yourself the better you understand yourself. Self-disclosure is both the conscious and subconscious act of revealing more about oneself to others. This may include, but is not limited to: thoughts, feelings, aspirations, goals, failures, successes, fears, dreams as well as one's likes, dislikes and favorites.
  • Self-disclosure happens slowly. Don't tell the first person you meet at a party all about your personal life or things will quickly go south.
Be friendly, but not excessively eager. Everyone loves someone who is outgoing, but nobody likes someone who is overly excited. Many people find someone who is overeager to be annoying. Try not to force yourself on people. Smile and strike up a conversation, but make sure you know the line between friendly and obsessive. When you meet a new person, take it easy, even if you think you're friend soul mates.
  • If you're too eager to hang out with a new person, then it might look like you don't have any other friends.
  • You can give someone a friendly compliment, but don't gush to the person about how amazing he or she is for half an hour.
Be a good conversationalist. Everyone loves someone who knows what to say at the right moment. Don't dominate the conversation. You don't need to share a similar story at every setting. Just listen and comment briefly on the other person's story. Most of the time, it is much better to be sort of quiet and analyze the conversation, enjoying the humor of your friends and being a good listener.
  • Be a good listener. Try to make the other person feel important, but only if you can genuinely. False enthusiasm will just appear cruel. When you listen to people, it not only makes them feel good about themselves, but also about you. If you're stuck, remember the golden rule.
  • Most people want to talk about themselves. If you keep the conversation concentrated on others, then people will love to talk to you. Wait for the right moment to make a comment. If you come up into the middle of a quiet group of people, it is better to take a Tony Stark approach.
  • Be playful! Joke around with other people. Making fun of people is fine as long as you know your limits. Different people have different tolerance levels, so be sure that the people you're around know you're kidding.

Refrain from using too many colloquialisms. This may make you appear as "fake" or unable to grasp your respected language. Speak normally, clearly and confidently. If you feel it is necessary adopt a more formal register and use polysyllabic words, do so, but do not go overboard or you will appear pretentious. Finding the right balance in your speech is important to making you seem intelligent and somewhat sophisticated in the presence of your peers.

Use humor. Cool people know how to use humor to ease any situation. They don't get annoyed and angry, and no matter how many bad things happen to them, they can still joke about it. They are aware of others' emotions but don't let bad emotion affect them.
  • Learn how to laugh at yourself. Being cool doesn't mean being perfect, and being able to find humor in your moments of clumsiness and discomfort is the defining hallmark of being cool. People will not only respect you for it, but they'll like you for being human, just like them.
  • You can be cool and you can be too cool. People who are too cool take themselves too seriously to laugh at a goofy, obviously silly but funny joke. Don't be that person.
Speak up. Observe people who are "cool"; they usually speak confidently and clearly, at a good pace. They don't chatter rapidly, pause, say uh,um. or mumble. They say what they mean, and mean what they say. Be confident in your word and don't let anyone try to change it. If you state your opinion and people disagree, don't worry.
  • You said what you felt and people will respect you for that, unless you say it knowing it will offend someone. However, make it count. Don't shout out your opinion just to be heard. Make sure it's relevant, and be ready to back it up soundly.
Keep your "cool". The very definition of cool is being calm, composed, under control, not excited, indifferent, and socially adept. Many times, cool people are those that don't get excited about things, that don't always have to talk, unless they have something cool to say. Learn how to deal with people. Don't get angry or frustrated. Being cool is natural. It's easy to do. Be confident.
  • Often times, the people who strive the hardest for coolness are sabotaging themselves by trying too hard. People like people who don't try, but are still successful. How does that work? One of the secrets of being cool is that, when one is just between trying and not trying at all, things just fall into place.
  • Take a deep breath. Being cool is all about being relaxed and comfortable in any circumstance. Don't lose your cool. If you feel yourself about to lose your temper, or burst into tears, or lose control in any way, take a deep breath and excuse yourself. Stay calm.
Don't use bad behavior to get attention. There are many people who take up smoking, drinking, bullying, and other bad habits. Most often, this comes from negative reinforcement. After doing something bad, a person may be "rewarded" with attention. "I can't believe he did that!", people will say. It is easy to misinterpret attention as popularity, even if it's for doing something wrong. If you want to be cool, you need to know your limits.
  • You should never substitute negative attention for really being cool. Most of the time, the people who have bragging competitions about law-breaking and bonging beer do not fit into the category of cool. If a group of people doesn't like you for who you are and the lifestyle you've chosen, move on.
  • Don't do drugs. Real cool people know how to be cool without the influence of drugs and alcohol.
  • Don't smoke- it won't make you cool- it will make you smell bad. Other smokers won't notice the bad smell because they smell the same way. When you smoke you will most likely hang out with other smokers, and this limits your selection of boyfriends and girlfriends because most non-smokers hate the smell of smoke and won't want to be around you. Don't judge smokers- just don't take up a habit you will eventually pay someone to help you quit.
  • Avoid arguing. When you're cool, you realize winning an argument is pointless. When you know you're right you just know it. You don't need to waste time, effort and energy by attempting to persuade someone who hasn't seen the things you have seen.